Le truc c'est que j'utilise un framework PHP coté serveur (Symfony2), alors ma question est pour juste une partie du site dois-je bidouiller un truc moi même avec le PushState HTML5 ou dois-je intégré un MVC client à la AngularJS ou BackBoneJS.

This page demonstrates certian HTML5 and CSS3 features. The most exciting bit is the pushState() feature that's now available. This will let us 'do AJAX  html5-history-api - HTML5 History API expansion for browsers not supporting pushState, replaceState - cdnjs.com - The best FOSS CDN for web related libraries  23 Jan 2014 Fluent is O'Reilly's conference dedicated to the Web Platform and all that entails, with a focus on JavaScript and HTML5. In 2013, over 1000  13 Jan 2011 The pushState( data , title , url ) method adds a state object entry to the history. The replaceState( data , title , url ) method updates the state object, 

HTML5 includes history.pushState API, which allows you to add history entries and change the URL currently displayed in the browser.

PJAX (HTML5's pushState + AJAX): The poor man's AJAX. I just used this (after a little tweaking of the source) to get rid of annoying refreshes in my company's website, all without having to modify the code generating the pages itself! (Details in comments- I'm not the author).

Long live HTML5 pushState! July 21st 2010. For a long time, location.hash was a way for AJAX applications to get back button and bookmarking support, and libraries like jQuery BBQ from Ben Alman made dealing with it cross browser a cinch. Now, with HTML5 coming of age, there is a new feature that aims to replace the use of location.hash with a better solution: pushState. Over on the Spoiled

Static file server that works with HTML5 Pushstate. - scottcorgan/pushstate-server # Mode historique de HTML5. Le mode par défaut de vue-router est le mode hash. Il utilise la partie hash de l'URL pour simuler un URL complet et ainsi ne pas recharger la page quand l'URL change. Pour nous passer du hash, nous pouvons utiliser le mode historique qui utilisera l'API history.pushState afin de permettre une navigation sans rechargement de page : const router = new VueRouter HTML5 PushState 1. HTML5PushState (dans Rails) 2. Oocto.com 3. Constat 4. HierPages WEB StatefulL’URL était lié à l’étatLa navigation changeait l’étatFull compatible 5. Aujourd’huiUtilisation massive de de AjaxAjax casse les états Fragment Stateless URL ne marque pas l’état Navigation ne fonctionne plus pushState() and replaceState() 6.0: 12 2.0: 528: 2.9: Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit Presto; Other features Trident Gecko The WHATWG version of HTML also includes additional features that are not technically HTML5, which are described as "next-generation additions still in development" in the specification. Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit Presto 6.0: 12 No No Depends: …